More than 100 officials in Gansu province were held accountable three years ago for illegal coal mining on the northern slope of the Qilian Mountains on the Gansu-Qinghai border. However, nobody has been held accountable yet for illegal coal mining on the southern slope of the mountains in Qinghai province. Recent media reports say large-scale open-pit coal mines have inflicted irreversible ecological damage on the mountains that are not only the northern […]
Congatec is offering a workload consolidation kit for vision-based situational awareness applications such as machine control and vision-based collaborative robotics. The kit qualifies as an Intel internet of things (IoT) ready-for-production kit. It offers three virtual machines based on the hypervisor technology from Real-Time Systems. One runs a vision-based artificial intelligence application based on the Intel OpenVino situational awareness software. The second is real-time capable and operates deterministic control software, and the third acts as […]
August 20, 2020 Tacx is on a mission to create the most realistic indoor cycling experience imaginable. Available on select Garmin Tacx trainers, the road feel feature replicates a complete spectrum of surface textures on your home trainer. From cobbles to cattle grids and everything in between, you can now experience it all from the comfort of your Tacx trainer. Experience the thrill of hitting the cobbles at full speed without worrying about crashing. Or […]
Global acceptance and application of China’s Beidou Navigation Satellite System will gather momentum on the back of further integration with telecom technologies like 5G and the internet of things, company executives and experts said. Their comments came after Beidou started offering full-scale global services on July 31. More importantly, navigation technologies are increasingly intertwined with telecommunication technologies to enable more applications in transportation, energy, fishing, agriculture, city management and other areas. […]
Many PNT sources from multiple providers needed “We cannot have GPS signals be a single point of failure for transportation and other critical infrastructure sectors. More safety applications will depend on PNT in the future. Public confidence in these will be critical. “People will not be comfortable getting into an automated vehicle or with platooning driverless trucks heading down the highway if they think that their invisible hand is not reliable and that their GPS […]
August 13, 2020 While shooting Garmin’s latest TV spot for the Instinct® GPS smartwatch, our marketing team kept the cameras rolling to show you a behind-the-scenes look at the process. Before any shoot, the single most important thing is having a spectacular product. Instinct is a fantastic tool built to help people live out their passions — it’s a product that needs to be shown out in the wild. So we traveled to some of […]
The launch of Russia’s next-generation Glonass-K navigation satellite, which has been postponed several times since March, is planned for mid-October, a space industry revealed on Saturday. “The launch of Glonass-K satellite has been postponed until October. The preliminary date of the launch is 17 October. There are no any technical difficulties to carry out the launch”, the source said. In early August, another space industry source stated that the launch […]
Using RTK’s pinpoint-level location data in the Verizon network is a building block to bring to scale emerging technologies such as driverless city zones, expansion of precision agriculture and drone delivery. Verizon has launched what it calls hyper-precise location using real-time kinematics (RTK) to provide accuracy within 1 to 2 centimeters on the Verizon network. Verizon has built and deployed RTK reference stations nationwide so that compatible internet of things (IoT) devices can receive the […]
August 15, 2020 Swimmers, you can now view your open-water swim performance data in real-time, right before your eyes. If you use FORM Smart Swim Goggles and have a compatible Garmin smartwatch, a free firmware update connecting the two devices will give you the unprecedented ability to view your Garmin GPS performance metrics and heart rate while swimming. Access your data in the pool or open water through the augmented reality display in your FORM goggles. […]
The United States Space Force (USSF) and the Space and the Missile Systems Center achieved another major Global Positioning System (GPS) milestone on July 27 when the GPS III Space Vehicle (SV) 03 received USSF’s Operational Acceptance approval. The GPS III satellites are the newest generation built by Lockheed Martin that provide precise positioning, navigation and timing information with three times better accuracy, and up to eight times improved anti-jamming capability than […]