TomTom ONE 130-S 3.5-Inch Portable GPS Navigator
TomTom ONE 130-S 3.5-Inch Portable GPS Navigator
- 3.5-inch touchscreen with award-winning Fold & Go EasyPort mount that folds flat against the device, making it easy to take it with you
- Effortless navigation from A to B–enter the address on the touchscreen and start driving anywhere in the United States and Canada
- Preloaded with millions of points of interest to enhance your traveling experience easily find your favorite gas stations, restaurants, and more
- With TomTom Map Share technology, you can instantly modify street names, street direction, POIs, road speeds, and turn restrictions on your own device
- Help Me! menu provides added safety features so you can easily access local emergency providers, such as police, fire stations, and hospitals
The TomTom ONE 130-S is easy-to-use personal navigation. TomTom’s award-winning software means effortless navigation from point A to point B. Switch on and go right out of the box. Just enter the address on the touchscreen and start driving anywhere in the United States or Canada. TomTom guides you door-to-door with turn-by-turn spoken instructions including street names. And 3D graphics help guide you to your destination, worry free. Easy-to-use widescreen navigation. Click to enlarge. TomTom guides you door-to-door with turn-by-turn spoken instructions, including street names. Click to enlarge. The ONE 130-S is preloaded with millions of points of interest to enhance your traveling experience–easily find your favorite gas stations, hotels, restaurants, and more. TomTom has the most accurate maps, and with TomTom Map Share technology, you instantly can modify street names, street direction, points of interest, and more on your own device. And with the “Help Me!” menu, ad
List Price: $ 108.99
Price: $ 74.95

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Barry McConnell
June 22, 2011Friendlier and faster than the Garmin – FIXED volume problem,
Have owned this for a week. It replaces our Garmin Nuvi 350 that was stolen from our car. My fault – I accidentally left it on the windshield when coming home late one night, and it was gone the next day. The Tomtom has a visual warning not to do this, which appears briefly when turned off – so this will never happen to us again!
We did not especially like our Garmin (and I reviewed that last year). Although (current discounted) prices and high-level features are similar, here is where the Tomtom is better:
– It is much faster at locking on to the satellites, and noticeably quicker at calculating a route. When you make a wrong turn, it doesn’t give that annoying warning but rapidly updates the directions.
– The speed in “demo” mode is easily configurable (e.g. to 3x real speed) which is very handy.
– Although the maps look a bit uglier, the real-time zoom is nice, using the slider a la Google maps. Zooming with the Garmin was fiddly.
– My favourite feature is the ability to press a couple of icons to avoid a specific segment of the current route. Don’t want to go down Broadway, and don’t want the device whining at you all the way? No problem! It is not perfect, and it will sometimes attempt to sneakily reroute you back to a later section of that road, but as all the steps are listed on one screen you can rapidly add/remove points as necessary.
– Downloadable and VERY easily replaceable voices (some free, some for 10 or 20 bucks). Drag-and-drop from your Mac/PC, no software required.
Of course it’s not perfect:
– The speaker volume is no better than the Garmin, despite its large size. By default it is adequate; however, in “text to speech” mode (computer voice) it is practically inaudible with any engine noise. This is with the volume set to 100% and the “link to car speed” turned OFF. (I noticed enabling this option would set a lower volume at slower speeds, and only increase to the “set” volume later on.) I have heard similar reports on other reviews (e.g. CNET), so plan to wait a month until the next batch is manufactured, then return the unit to Tomtom for a warranty exchange.
– The screen has a relatively plasticky feel compared with the Garmin.
– Minor gripe: it is not obvious that you are meant to twiddle a ring on the suction cup to stick it to your windshield – as without doing this it will still stick reasonably well, until you go over a bump. However this is MORE than outweighed by the joy of having the suction cup fold into the back of the device, for quick & easy portability / storage.
In conclusion: to whoever stole our Garmin, we ended up with a better product – so nyah!
UPDATE June 29: I explained the volume problem to Tomtom who unhesitatingly said it was a known issue. I returned the unit to Tomtom and they shipped me a brand new unit a week later. The two computer voices (the second one – male USA – is a free download) are slightly softer than the recorded voices, but even at 70% they are now more than loud enough at high speeds, and at 100% they are so loud you can hear the distortion: unquestionably louder than our old Garmin 350. I really like that the volume is lowered at slower speeds.
I would echo another reviewer who says to use the MENU to disconnect the device. Even when the software updates and it says “please unplug & restart” you still need to select the menu item so you get the message explicitly saying “It is now SAFE to unplug”. The first time you connect your unit, be sure to use the Backup menu before doing anything; that way if there is a problem you can easily reformat & restore (it’s just a USB drive to your computer so if you have a backup, you can recover from anything, which is handy).
After some more trips, we still feel it’s very accurate. Of course it’s just a computer, and its attempted pronunciation of the more obscure place names is entertaining, so do watch the street signs; also while it’s usually quite good at getting the lane correct, on occasion you’ll hear the contradictory “Keep left, and take the exit on the right” which isn’t much help in traffic unless you were paying attention to the signs!
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glo "glo"
June 22, 2011Great product!,
I had an old C320 Garmin GPS that I bought only 2 years ago and the touch screen was freezing up randomly for several months so I decided to get a new Garmin nuvi 200. I exchanged the Garmin nuvi 200 for the Tom Tom 130S mainly because the Garmin nuvi 200 did not have speech for street names. The Garmin nuvi 260 announces street names but was $250. The Tom Tom 130S was on sale for $199 so I decided to try it out although I was a little hesitant since I’m a big Garmin fan. I’m happy about my exchange. It’s plusses surpass its minuses:
My favorite features:
-The mount is awesome, it’s foldable and the Tom Tom snaps out easily.
It’s also very lightweight and can be easily stored with the Tom Tom for
easy transportability
-You can easily connect to computer for instant upgrades and map changes.
-It’s fun! You can download your favorite celebrity voices. I have Mr.
T and Yoda
-It’s got separate emergency contacts such as roadside assistance,
hospitals, police
-Upload to satellite time is very quick
-The volume of the voice changes automatically with your driving speed
-You can preplan an itinerary with more than one stop (you can’t do that with Garmin)
Some things that can be improved:
-battery lasts only 3 hours, my old Garmin can outlast that…but TomTom
130S has improved from its older ONE models
-Menu is more complicated than Garmin so if your not tech savvy you might not like this. However, it certainly has more features than the Garmin nuvi 200
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