Smart-Puter Base GPS Tracker Using Areal Device (Paperback) – Common

We have designed ‘GPS based Automated Guided Vehicle which flies to any required place if we know the latitude and longitude of that particular location.This project concludes that it’s an economical and effective way to reach an unknown location. Now in our project we completed up to the point of interfacing with micro-controller i.e., we have designed sensor circuits.In the future the system wil… List Price: $ 77.70 Price: $ 77.70

Aviator’s Guide to GPS

GPS (the Global Positioning System) can locate an airplane “accurately within a few feet in three dimensions–latitude, longitude and altitude.” This is an introduction and guide to GPS. Clarke, who says the system is so simple a child could use it, explains GPS’s history and theory, the “hardware user receivers and government-provided space-based and land-based equipment needed to utilize” it, and GPS applications for both civilian and military purposes. He also discusses the system’s incredible […]