The BU-353-S4 is a USB GPS receiver that includes a highly sensitive, low power consumption chipset in a ultra compact form factor. The BU-353-S4 is powered by a SiRF Star IV GPS chipset, and provides you with superior performance in urban canyons, and in dense foliage. With the SiRF CGEE (Client Generated Extended Ephemeris) technology, has the capability of predicting satellite positions for as much as 3 days upfront, and will deliver a CGEE-start time of lower than 15 seconds under most conditions with none network assistance. The BU-353-S4’s MicroPower mode allows the receiver to stay in a hot start-like condition almost steadily whilst consuming little or no power.
Built-In GPS Patch Antenna
Built-In Roof Mount Magnet
48-Channel All-In-View Tracking
SiRF Star IV GPS Chipset
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