September 1, 2021 By Rehan Nana Maybe it’s just wishful thinking but over the past decade, it seems the hunting pendulum is starting to swing back toward small game, notably working dogs. Around Garmin HQ in Kansas City, you see more NAVHDA breeds. It seems you can’t go to the park without running into at least one Hungarian Vizsla* or shaggy-haired dog. As a dog guy, I welcome this change. Heck, if you’re new to […]
The U.S. Space Force’s Space Systems Command recently declared the eighth GPS III satellite as “Available for Launch.” This significant accomplishment officially marks the third space vehicle within the GPS III program to be declared available for launch in the past three months. GPS III SV06, SV07, and SV08 are now awaiting official call up for launch in Lockheed Martin’s GPS III Processing Facility in Waterton, Colorado. “SV06, SV07, and SV08 AFL milestones in just […]
September 3, 2021 Garmin was named the No. 1 employer in the state of Kansas by Forbes in the publisher’s third annual ranking of America’s Best Employers by State. “It’s a great validation of what the Garmin culture stands for,” said Laurie Minard, vice president of human resources. “We’re honored to have been recommended by our associates as a top work environment here in the state of Kansas.” Forbes partnered with market research company Statista […]
The U.S. Space Force’s Space Systems Command recently declared GPS III SV06, SV07 and SV08 satellites “Available for Launch.” Here, the space vehicles await official call up for launch in Lockheed Martin’s GPS III Processing Facility in Waterton, Colorado. (Photo: Lockheed Martin) The U.S. Space Force’s Space Systems Command has declared the eighth GPS III satellite “Available for Launch.” This milestone marks the third space vehicle within the GPS III program to be declared available […]
September 1, 2021 September is Self-care Awareness Month, which provides us with the perfect excuse to pause and evaluate how well we’ve been taking care of ourselves. There’s (still) a pandemic happening, school is starting back up, many jobs are going back to some combination of hybrid or in-person after months of working from home — it’s a lot to take in, and it’s easy to forget to stop and do an internal wellness check. […]
Screenshot: Propeller For a major project, surveying with traditional GPS equipment would normally take many days, Learn how Trimble and Propeller helped speed progress. Wills Bros, a family-run contractor based in the UK and Ireland, has begun work on the £29 million (USD $40 million) Maybole Bypass project in Scotland. The 6-km (~ 3.75-mi) project involves 900,000 cubic meters of earth removal and a further 15,000 cubes of rock that needs to be excavated and […]
August 31, 2021 It’s the day you’ve been training for: race day. You’ve followed your Garmin Coach training plan and put in the miles. Your shoes are broken in and ready to go. Before you hit the start line, let’s make sure your checklist is locked and loaded. Prepare Your Kit You’ve run. A LOT. So that probably means you’ve found the shirt and shorts combo you like best. Make sure they’re clean for race […]
A new blog offered by Inertial Labs discusses the scope of work to turn lidar point-cloud data collection into actionable deliverables. The blog, “Providing Actionable LiDAR Point Cloud Deliverables and the Inertial Labs RESEPI” by Luke Wilson, is also available as a downloadable PDF. A digital terrain model, a digital surface model, and a digital elevation model (from top). (Image: Inertial Labs) The blog introduces lidar and creation of point clouds, then discusses the use […]
August 18, 2021 Matthias Dolderer: flying instructor. Aerobatics legend. Air Race World Champion. Cuban eight. Flick roll. Outside loop. When Matthias talks about aerobatics you can clearly hear his fascination for the sport. It’s his profession and his passion. For him, it has all the things he loves the most about flying as a pilot: speed, precision and skill. “It’s the passion that gives you wings,” Matthias explains. “Plus, all the hard work I put […]
The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) and the U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center (NAVCEN) will hold the 61st meeting of the Civil GPS Service Interface Committee (CGSIC) on Sept. 20-21. The meeting will be conducted at the St. Louis Union Station Hotel in St. Louis, Missouri, in conjunction with the Institute of Navigation’s 2021 ION GNSS+ conference. The 61st CGSIC meeting will also be broadcast live online to provide a virtual option. This is a […]