Photo: AntonioGuillem/iStock / Getty Images Plus/Getty Images Commentary by Jeremy Meisinger The scale and speed of the COVID-19 crisis has left policymakers searching for new tools to address an unprecedented challenge. Everything from faster testing to new treatments to more supplies for frontline providers is needed, and smart deployment of these resources requires an ability to track infections that is not yet available for a problem of the scale of COVID-19. The recent economic stimulus […]
April 3, 2020 Cleaning your Garmin avionics is a great way to not only maintain a clean cockpit environment, but also help prevent the spread of disease. Because our products are built with sophisticated electronic components and touchscreen materials, it’s important to take special care in choosing which cleaning method is best for your specific Garmin products. Below are general guidelines for cleaning the touchscreens, buttons, knobs and bezels on Garmin avionics. NOTE: The following […]
Woolpert has received the 2019 Google Cloud Specialization Partner of the Year award for location-based services. Woolpert was recognized for the company’s achievements in the Google Cloud ecosystem, helping joint customers deploy and optimize their location-based services, developing an online customer assistance system and cloud information portal, more than doubling its staff to support customer needs and supporting all location-based data efforts with its extended geospatial team. The firm, which has been a Google Cloud […]
April 6, 2020 Monitoring your health and wellness is always important to maintain a full picture of how you are doing both physically and mentally. When you wake up in the morning, do you wonder how well rested you are? Or are you curious as to why you feel drained at the end of a stressful day? Select Garmin wearables offer a variety of features that help you get a pulse on how you’re doing […]
SMC Public Affairs / Published March 28, 2020 LOS ANGELES AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. — The Space and Missile Systems Center achieved a major Global Positioning System milestone on March 27 with the Contingency Operations (COps) program and GPS III Space Vehicle (SV) 02 receiving U.S. Space Force’s Operational Acceptance approval. COps is an upgrade to the current GPS Operational Control System to operationally command and control GPS III satellites. These satellites are […]
News from the U.S. Air Force, 50th Space Wing Despite the worldwide COVID response, the 50th Space Wing at Schriever Air Force Base continues to execute its critical operations, while ensuring the proper steps are taken to maintain airmen’s health and well-being. As of March 20, there are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 at the base. The 50th Space Wing commander, Col. James E. Smith, has enacted multiple safety measures — social distancing, minimum manning […]
April 3, 2020 You’ve probably heard or read stories about Garmin watches and similar wearables seemingly predicting illness. Can your fitness tracker really tell when you are getting sick? Or are wearable enthusiasts reading too much into the data? Let’s start with the critical caveat. Garmin watches are not approved medical devices and are not designed to diagnose or treat any disease or condition. Always seek professional advice if you are concerned about your health. […]
LOS ANGELES AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. — On March 26, the U.S. Space Force’s Space and Missile Systems Center’s GPS Next Generation Operational Control System (OCX) program instructed Raytheon to replace the computer hardware in OCX prior to system delivery due to sale of IBM’s computer product line to a Chinese company. The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States approved the IBM x86 product line sale to a foreign owned company, Lenovo on […]
DroneHunter F700. (Photo: Fortem Technologies) DroneHunter F700 is a radar-based autonomous interceptor drone for tracking and stopping dangerous drones Fortem Technologies Inc. is now shipping its artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled F700 DroneHunter. The F700 is a safe, effective deterrent against a rising number of careless and criminal drones. The F700 has a flexible undercarriage that offers interchangeable counter measures for single, multiple or swarm-based threats. Its new lightweight carbon-fiber frame enables greater athleticism and speed. The […]
March 30, 2020 Our community of inReach® subscribers is constantly embarking on adventures in the outdoors. Sometimes those adventures go as planned, and sometimes they don’t. Either way, carrying an inReach satellite communication device has helped individuals escape a grizzly bear, survive a medical emergency, be rescued from the middle of the ocean, complete a record-setting sail, save imperiled animals and more. Read those stories: When Todd and Kerri Mozinski left for the Northwest […]