Trimble WorksOS is an upcoming civil construction software-as-a-service (SaaS) operating system. The cloud-based system will integrate data from Trimble and third-party providers across the entire civil construction project lifecycle, including estimating, scheduling, designs and the field. Beta testing is now taking place for WorksOS, before it is released in the third quarter. Users interested in participating can go to One-Stop Software. With WorksOS, site supervisors and project managers will be able to log into […]
Bike rollers allow you to train safely in all weather conditions, giving you the convenience of being able to train regardless of the circumstance. If you want to buy a roller for your racing bike, you will find yourself faced with lots of choices. Obviously, for those who have no experience, this can be overwhelming. In this article, we want to give you some tips to help you understand the main differences between the bike rollers and what are the most important […]
“Section 1618” of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) (P.L.114-328; December 23, 2016) requires the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to address the needs for a GPS backup by identifying and assessing viable alternate technologies and systems. This report is a summary and analysis of that assessment by the Homeland Security Operational Analysis Center (HSOAC) of position, navigation, and timing (PNT) systems currently used by critical infrastructure. Additionally, it provides […]
Photo: FAA The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) today announced the eight companies that will assist the federal government in establishing requirements for future suppliers of Remote Identification (Remote ID). Remote ID will enable unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), commonly called drones, to provide identification and location information while operating in the nation’s airspace. The FAA selected the following companies to develop technology requirements for future Remote ID UAS Service Suppliers (USS): Airbus […]
April 29, 2020 Guil Barros was browsing the Aeromart at AirVenture Oshkosh, an annual U.S. gathering of aviation enthusiasts, when he spotted an RV-9A tail and empennage kit in a caged off area. Three years and about 2,500 after-work and weekend hours later, he had himself a fully built aircraft. Barros works in computer technology, and prior to building his own aircraft, had logged about 40 flight hours a year as a hobby aviator in […]
Photo: Tallysman Tallysman Wireless Inc. has announced an extension of the standard warranty from one to three years for all housed GNSS antennas and radio-frequency accessory products purchased after Jan. 1, 2020. The warranty comes about as a result of very low observed failure rates over the company’s 10-year history and its ongoing quality initiatives. Tallysman Wireless is a leader in the GNSS antenna design and manufacturing industry. Tallysman offers a wide range of GNSS […]
May 4, 2020 Now more than ever it’s important for us to band together and support one another. And investing in your well-being can help improve mood and maintain a sense of normalcy in times that are really not normal at all. That’s why Mindbody and Garmin have teamed up to create a list of tips to help you maintain physical and mental health at home.Staying ActiveThe American Heart Association recommends at least 150 minutes […]
Next-generation phase noise instrument combines timing technologies in a smaller, higher performance measurement instrument Photo: Microchip Technology To help research and manufacturing engineers make precise and accurate measurement of frequency signals, including those generated by atomic clocks and other high-performance frequency reference modules and subsystems, Microchip Technology Inc. has announced the availability of the new 53100A Phase Noise Analyzer, a next-generation phase noise test instrument. The 53100A Phase Noise Analyzer is designed for engineers and […]
May 1, 2020 By Charlie Levine, OUTBOARD magazine A pilothouse with windows that go up and down as opposed to side to side, shock-absorbing seats and a retractable awning. Those were the three must-have items Jimmy Buffett requested when he sat down to draw out his next fishing boat. But what he ended up with is one of the most unique sportfishing vessels to hit the rip in a long, long time. To make this […]
“The Department of Homeland Security recommended the FCC deny the Ligado license and remains concerned that an approval creates a high degree of uncertainty for our public and private sector partners, many of whom- along with the Departments of Homeland Security, Defense and Transportation, rely on precise and uninterrupted Positioning, Navigation and Timing (PNT) data from the Global Positioning System (GPS) to ensure the security and resilience of their infrastructure. Our critical infrastructure partners across […]