Orolia Maritime reveals new PLB with Return Link System for 2020

Photo: Orolia Orolia Maritime has revealed the FastFind ReturnLink PLB with Return Link System (RLS) life-saving beacon system. Orolia worked closely with the European GNSS Agency (GSA) on the Galileo satellite system since the company was selected to lead development of next-generation search-and-rescue (SAR) distress beacons. Earlier this year, Orolia introduced the first Galileo-enabled personal locator beacons (PLBs). Building upon this, the new FastFind ReturnLink transmits the user’s unique ID and GNSS location via the […]

Response Team Rescues Imperiled Animals in the Backcountry

November 22, 2019 On a summer night in July, a 130-pound German shepherd with injured paws was unable to descend a remote trail in the North Cascades Range, and its owner didn’t know what to do. A third-party individual had triggered an SOS on their inReach® satellite communicator to report the situation, and staff at the GEOS International Emergency Response Coordination Center contacted the Snohomish County Sheriff’s Office to respond. The Sheriff’s Office knew that the Washington […]

The lunar cycle drives the nightjar’s migration

GPS tracking data reveals that the foraging activity of the European nightjar more than doubles during moon-lit nights, and the birds then migrate simultaneously about 10 days after the full moon, according to a study published October 15 in the open-access journal PLOS Biology by Gabriel Norevik and Anders Hedenstrom of Lund University in Sweden, and colleagues. Every year, billions of seasonal migrants connect continents by transporting nutrients, energy and pathogens between […]

FAA grants CMC Electronics approval for ADS-B Out compliance

The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has approved two Supplemental Type Certificates (STCs) for CMC Electronics, to help airplanes comply with automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast out (ADS-B Out) requirements. Boeing 737 Next-Generation Aircraft CMA-5024. (Photo: CMC Electronics) The FAA has approved an STC to install the SBAS-capable CMA-5024 GPS on Boeing 737 Next-Generation aircraft to comply with worldwide ADS-B Out mandates as well as SBAS/GPS navigation enabling the first localizer performance with vertical guidance (LPV) approaches for […]

Tips for Training in ERG Mode

November 20, 2019 With the recent explosive growth of indoor training, the indoor bike trainer is no longer just a last resort for bad weather days or something the pros use while recuperating after a broken collarbone. On the contrary, your indoor bike trainer is the key to endless possibilities. It has everything you need to train according to your needs. That includes ERG mode. ERG is short for ergometer so ERG mode is when […]

2nd Space Operations Squadron decommissions 22-year-old satellite

The 2nd Space Operations Squadron decommissioned Satellite Vehicle Number 38, to give way to the next generation of GPS III satellites at Schriever Air Force Base, Colorado, Oct. 9, 2019. First Lieutenant Kristina Brandes, 2nd SOPS chief bus system analyst, said the squadron was disposing of the satellite because it is at the end of its operational life. “It’s one of our oldest satellites that launched 22 years ago,” she […]

China leads world with plan for ‘comprehensive’ PNT

Speaking at the annual Stanford Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) Symposium, a Chinese representative described how her nation is building the world’s first resilient and robust, and, in her words, “comprehensive” PNT architecture. Xiaochun Lu presents at Stanford PNT Symposium on Oct. 30, 2019. (Photo: Stanford University) Xiaochun Lu of China’s National Timing Service Center described a multi-source PNT system that will be “more ubiquitous, more integrated, more intelligent.” Centered around continually upgraded BeiDou GNSS […]

The Extra Mile: Garmin Senior Software Engineer Charlie Lee Tackles

November 18, 2019 The start line for the Stagecoach Line 100-mile race cuts across a grassy field surrounded by ponderosa pine trees at Hotshot Ranch, just outside Flagstaff, Arizona. Despite the inevitable early morning start time required by ultra-race distances, the runners — at least those able to calm prerace jitters long enough to notice — are treated to an unobstructed view of Humphreys Peak, which, at an elevation of 12,633 feet, is the highest natural point in […]

Lockheed Martin GPS Spatial Temporal Anti-Jam Receiver System to be

Lockheed Martin received a $25 million initial contract award for engineering and manufacturing development (EMD) for the GPS Spatial Temporal Anti-Jam Receiver (GSTAR) system that will be integrated into the F-35 as part of its modernization phase, also known as Block 4. The GSTAR system will replace the current Antenna Electronics Unit (AEU) and will provide enhanced capabilities including the next-generation, anti-jam solution and provide a significant weight and cost reduction to […]

GSA announces 2019 winners of MyGalileoApp competition

First place winners ARGEO accept their prize. (Photo: GSA) News from the European GNSS Agency The winners of this year’s MyGalileoApp competition were announced at aceremony held at the European GNSS Agency (GSA) headquarters in Prague onNov. 7. First prize of EUR 100,000 went to ARGEO, a mobile app based on geolocation, augmented reality and blockchain that allows users to discover content such as prizes, coupons and shopping cards geo-located around the streets of a […]

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