Cat GPS Tracking Device Track the precise movements of your cat with this tiny GPS tracking device that attaches to a standard cat hardness. When your cat comes home just plug into your computer via the USB port and you will instantly see satellite photography with a route showing exactly where your cat went. Is your cat eating at a neighbours house or travelling far from your home? Keep your cat safe with the amazing new CatTraq Cat GPS Tracking Device. For further details email or telephone James on 0115 9400 899 or +44 115 9400 899.
August 9, 2010@GeneStarwind09,
actually, you can set this unit to log data anywhere from every second to every hour. The more frequent you log data, the less battery life it will have. But even at logging data every 30 seconds, it lasts around 30 hours.
August 9, 2010Pretty cool, but it only seems to log the cat’s movements at certain intervals. Maybe every 3-5 minutes? That’s why the path has so many straight lines. I guess that saves on battery life though. 🙂
July 3, 2010verey good thank you .