App Inventor for Android: Build Your Own Apps –

Create Android mobile apps, no programming required!Even with limited programming experience, you can easily learn to create apps for the Android platform with this complete guide to App Inventor for Android. App Inventor for Android is a visual language that relies on simple programming blocks that users can drag and drop to create apps. This handy book gives you a series of fully worked-out apps, complete with their programming blocks, which you can customize for your own use or use as a starting point for creating the next killer app. And it’s all without writing a single line of code. Don’t miss the book’s special section on Apps Inventor Design Patterns, which explains computer terms in simple terms and is an invaluable basic reference

NM "booklover"
April 8, 2013So Glad to See this Book,
I was so glad to see this book. It seems to be the first book out on Google’s App Inventor for Android. Jason Tyler is an excellent teacher. I have completed three chapters of the book so far and find his style perfect for the amateur app inventor programmer. Concepts are clearly presented, things are well illustrated, snags are anticipated and explained. If you have struggled with App Inventor and appreciate an experienced teacher, this is the book for you.
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Thomas S. Higgins
April 8, 2013Wax On Wax Off… Or How I Finally Sat Down And Created An Android App,
For many people wrestling an idea for an app into an actual wokring app is daunting. There are issues of setting up a development environment, learning the way the device you are making an app for wants you to code for it, deciphering the vectors and hooks into the device’s layers and then crafting your idea thru all those processes into something you can see and touch on the screen of your device. With this book as my guide I was able to get through these processes in a near painless manner.
Each process was laid out before me in easy to understand steps and many of the stumbles I made were addressed before I was about to make them. What problems I did come across where not as problematic thanks to the way the author organized his book. The pacing of the examples were perfect, I felt like I was getting a solid payoff after working thru each chapter. With the completion of each chapter I also felt a little more confident that I would be able to take my ideas for apps and make them actual working apps. After the twitter chapter I was near giddy with accomplishment; I played the proud parent as I showed off the app to those folks I was able to pin down. The bonus online chapter was the perfect reward for finishing up the book. What was even better was finding all the video tutorials on the authors web site, truly an amazing set of learning that just keeps on getting better over time.
The only downside to going thru the book, bonus chapters and web site is I now have more, and more complex, app project ideas that I want to find time to work on. This book was truly empowering as well as educational.
The other unforeseen outcome of going thru the author’s works is that my 8 year old son now wants to work on some apps with me. He watched as I worked thru examples with the block editor and was quickly able to tell me what was going on as far as logic and flow was concerned. There is a long road to go before he puts his stamp on a first app but he is well and truly hooked as far as deving for the the Android is concerned.
Much thanks and congrats on a fantastic work.
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