AES RGT902 OBD II GPS Tracker ( PRE-ACTIVATED SIM CARD WITH 3 MONTHS SERVICE FREE!!! w/ 20 SECOND UPDATES ) GPRS Mini Portable Vehicle Locating Personal Tracking Device. Connects to OBD Port.

The RGT902 is excellent for Tracking a Vehicle, Connect to the OBD Port. // Updates every 20 secs when Vehicle is moving. Goes to sleep when vehicle is parked for 5 minutes or more. Displays last location before going into Sleep Mode. Access anytime via Web server or text.
Works Anywhere in the USA // Includes 3 MONTHS of Data and Online Tracking Subscription. Comes Ready To use!!!**
Connects to OBD II port for continuous Power. No wiring Required, Comes with internal 4 Hour backup Battery.
Comes Pre-Activated with 3 MONTHS free online tracking service (Includes Cellular Service & Online Tracking Subscription). 100% Ready To use!!!** No contract, No activation fee, No tracking subscription fee***
MOBILE GPS TRACKING ON YOUR IPHONE, ANDROID PHONE, PC AND MAC!! Real-time Tracking with Live reporting and History log. View on Phone or on Website. You can also receive GPS coordinates via SMS Text.
RGT902 connects to satellites and local cellular networks
to provide accurate GPS Coordinates and street addresses*. The RGT902 comes with a
PRE-ACTIVATED SIM CARD with 3 months of GPRS cellular service and 3 MONTHS of Online Tracking Subscription.
Just Insert the SIM card included and your GPS Tracker is up and running,
You can extend your GPS Tracking Service, for 6 months and 0 for 12 Months, you can also call to ask about our promo offers.
The RGT902 works 2 ways.
When you want to locate the tracker, text the GPS tracker and it will send
you a text message with the tracker’s location informa

Vehicle Gps Tracking System