A special welcome to the GPS World Editorial Advisory Board

I am very pleased to announce that professor Washington Yotto Ochieng has agreed to join our Editorial Advisory Board.

He is the current head of the department of civil and environmental engineering and chair professor in positioning and navigation systems at Imperial College London, where he has been on the faculty since 1997. He is also the interim director of the college’s Institute for Security Science and Technology. Among his several other current roles, he is the president of the Royal Institute of Navigation, formed in 1947 following the example of the U.S. Institute of Navigation; a member of the board of trustees of the Science Museum Group appointed by the UK prime minister; and chair of the advisory board of the Science Museum in London.

For a much longer bio of Ochieng, including his full list of titles and honors, visit here.

GPS World featured Ochieng in its May 2009 issue, in a special section on “GNSS Leaders to Watch.” We wrote that he was “excited by the potential benefits of the new signals from modernized and new signals, and their integration with novel terrestrial systems/sensors.”

He has proposed the following question for EAB discussion:

When we discuss the security of GNSS/PNT systems, we nearly always focus on interference — i.e., meaconing, intrusion, jamming or spoofing. However, GNSS/PNT systems are embedded in systems of systems that also offer many other opportunities for cyberattacks. What should we do about it?
We will publish responses from other EAB members in the next issue.

Finally, our heartfelt thanks to Terry Moore and Jean-Marie Sleewaegen, who resigned from the EAB, for their many contributions over the years, and a special thanks to Jules McNeff, who has served on the EAB since the magazine’s inception 35 years ago!

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