Per Vices launches new SDR

Photo: Per Vices
Per Vices has released Calamine, its widest tuning range software-defined radio (SDR). Calamine can be integrated into mission-critical systems for the defense, GNSS, communications and test and measurement markets.
The SDR builds on the Per Vices existing IP to offer a tuning range from near DC to 40 GHz with four independent receiver radio chains, each offering 300 MSPS sampling bandwidth.
The release will offer capabilities extending other SDR systems for government, defense and intelligence communities and civil users with direct applications for radar systems, signals intelligence, spectrum monitoring and satellite communications systems.
Per Vices products aim to provide hardware and software solutions to address the growing need for high channel count, wide tuning range and high bandwidth SDRs. The company’s SDRs support various applications within the defense, civil, aerospace, medical, telecommunications, low latency networks, GNSS, radar, test and measurement, spectrum monitoring and broadcasting and wireless management industries.