Lowrance MARK-4 HDI 50/200+455/800 Combo Plotter/Fishfinder without Transducer

  • 4.3″ monochrome LCD
  • 5/200KHz Broadband Sounder
  • 455/800KHz Down Scan Imaging
  • Built-in GPS Chart plotter

Lowarnce MARK-4 HDI Combo Plotter/Fish finder.The MArk-4 HDI is an easy-to-use 4.3-inch monochrome fish finder/chart plotter with Hybrid Dual Imaging that combines Broadband Sounder with Down Scan Imaging technology, super-bright, LED-backlit grayscale display, built-in GPS antenna and high-definition mapping. The Elite-4 HDI offers a full selection of today’s top-selling fish finder and chart plotter features that are easy to access and operate — all at a surprisingly affordable price. Enjoy exclusive Hybrid Dual Imaging (HDI) with the power of two award-winning technologies combined to provide the best possible view beneath your boat. It has a highly accurate, built-in GPS antenna plus a detailed U.S. map featuring more than 3,000 lakes

List Price: $ 179.00

Lowrance MARK-4 HDI 50/200+455/800 Combo Plotter/Fishfinder without Transducer Price: $ $ 85.00

Marine Gps Chartplotter And Fishfinder