2024 inReach® SOS Year in Review

February 27, 2025

This year saw a shuffle in some of the top activities for inReach SOS message triggers, indicating people are opting to get outdoors and use their inReach devices in diverse ways. We also saw an increase in the reasons for triggering an SOS message, such as natural disasters. Here’s the 2024 breakdown of inReach SOS data.

Since 2011, inReach satellite technology1 has helped individuals stay in touch globally, send and receive messages outside of cellphone service areas, navigate routes with detailed mapping, and track and share journeys. When necessary, users can trigger an SOS message to the Garmin Response℠ international emergency coordination center, where trained staff are available 24/7 to respond to SOS messages, track devices, and coordinate with emergency services or others to dispatch assistance.

And with the 2024 release of the inReach® Messenger Plus, users can exchange photo and voice messages via satellite2 — a milestone for Garmin and a giant leap for individuals who take adventures beyond cellphone service. That includes exchanging photo and voice messages during an SOS, which can give response coordinators the ability to see and hear details of the emergency firsthand.

Where were SOS incidents triggered?

The locations of SOS incidents speak to the scale of the 100% global Iridium® satellite network, the broad use of inReach technology and the Garmin Response team’s ability to make timely connections with emergency resources.

This year inReach devices were used during natural disasters, including hurricanes, flash floods and wildfires. Responses varied from local police and ambulance services for remote car accidents to highly technical helicopter rescues on Mount Everest, the world’s tallest mountain. Responses from New Zealand to Norway to Chile to Morrocco were coordinated for bicycle accidents, rattlesnake bites, stranded boaters, snowmobilers caught in avalanches, lost hikers, injured climbers and more.  

What were people doing when they triggered an SOS message?

The activity breakdown for SOS incidents in 2024 highlights the many ways customers use their device. Though hiking/backpacking and driving/motorcycling were still the biggest categories, we saw increases in two very different activities: dirt biking and rafting. Other increases came from camping and mountain biking, while seasonally we see upticks in certain activities such as snowmobiling and backcountry skiing/snowboarding in the winter, boating in the summer and hunting in the fall.

Other top activities for SOS triggers included climbing/mountaineering, off-roading, paddle sports and cycling.

Why were people triggering an SOS message?

Injuries were again the top cause for SOS incidents this year. Another top reason was motor vehicle accidents and issues, indicating inReach devices can be a valuable tool to include in vehicle emergency kits. Medical issues, stranded persons and lost parties rounded out the top five. 

When comparing SOS message triggers year over year, we saw the biggest increase in medical issues, including altitude sickness, heart problems and gastrointestinal issues, among others. Weather events such as hurricanes and wildfires also increased, as well as emergency encounters with wildlife, including bears and rattlesnakes.

Who were people triggering an SOS message for?  

An inReach SOS message can be triggered for anyone, or to report emergencies such as wildfires or vehicle accidents. This year an increasing number of SOS incidents were triggered for the actual user, but nearly one-half were still triggered for a party member or third-party individual — indicating how important it is to carry an inReach device for whatever situation you may come across.

What responses were dispatched for incidents this year?

In 2024, helicopters, ambulances, police, and search and rescue teams were dispatched most frequently. We also saw an increase in responses by fire officials — likely due to the increase in SOS message triggers for wildfires.

With the help of Garmin Response, inReach users were also able to self-rescue nearly 12% of the time in 2024. When self-rescue isn’t possible, Garmin offers search and rescue insurance plans, which, when purchased prior to an SOS incident, can provide financial reimbursement for qualified search and rescue-related expenses.

Thank you to the responders

Behind these SOS incidents and rescues are dedicated emergency responders giving their time and energy to helping others. Many rescue teams are volunteers, who make immense sacrifices for the benefit and well-being of adventurers in need. As we look back on another year, we give our thanks to the emergency responders and volunteers, who are involved in the rescue process and there for many inReach users in their most vulnerable times.

Here’s to safe and…

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